Alternative Medicine also knows as Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) utilizes non-invasive more holistic and natural modalities such as Chiropractic Medicine, Acupuncture, Exercise, Yoga, Meditation, and even supplementation to promote health in the individual. While more traditional medicine, also known as Allopathic Medicine utilizes the prescription of drugs and or surgical options to control or eliminate disease processes. Both disciplines are widespread and heavily utilized by people seeking health improvement. In fact, they are often utilized at the same time to improve outcomes. In today’s healthcare and in the healthcare of tomorrow that Integrative approach should focus on disease prevention and education while continuing to be on the cutting edge of disease management. Providers need to take into consideration what the patients expectations are and help to determine of those expectations and goals are achievable. Encouraging contact and evaluation with other specialists to foster a healthcare TEAM improves the health and well-being for each patient. At Comprehensive Health Orlando, we strive to take a TEAM approach to each individual’s needs. Listening, understanding, and educating each individual to be the very best version of themselves is always our goal. We understand that each individuals’ needs are truly different and a one size fits all approach to health is in the past. Integrative Medicine is the comprehensive and collaborative approach to add life to years and years to life.