Injection of trigger points with a local anesthetic is a relatively simple, cost-effective
treatment that often produces an almost immediate decrease in pain. In addition, it can provide
long-term pain relief and increased range of motion, thereby enabling patients to resume normal
activities. Trigger point injections are especially helpful in patients whose pain has proved
refractory to such conservative approaches as massage, physical therapy with stretching, and
cooling topical anesthetic sprays. They represent an alternative method of pain control that may
reduce or eliminate dependence on pain medication. These injections can also be used to treat
such conditions as myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint syndrome,
tension, and migraine.
Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of injections in relieving pain
associated with trigger points. Patients with myofascial trigger points of the upper trapezium
muscle that were treated with either trigger point injections or ultrasound therapy in combination
with neck stretching exercises reported significantly greater reduction in the subjective intensity
of their pain, a higher pressure pain threshold, and greater range of motion than those treated
with neck stretching exercises alone.
Trigger point injections are very safe. You may feel some injection site tenderness as the
local anesthetic wears off. It may take a few days for the anti-inflammatory action of the
medicine to take effect. The main benefit of the trigger point injection is to loosen nearby muscle
groups. Post injection soreness is to be expected in most cases, and the patient’s stated relief of
the referred pain pattern notes the success of the injection. Re-evaluation of the injected areas
may be necessary, but reinjection of the trigger points is not recommended until the post
injection soreness resolves, usually after three to four days. Patients are encouraged to remain
active, putting muscles through their full range of motion in the week following trigger-point
injections, but are advised to avoid strenuous activity, especially in the first three to four days
after injection.
For any questions, comments, or concerns please contact us here at Comprehensive Health